Hi lovelies, I’m Sabrina.
What is Croissants and Cafes?
C&C is a Travel and Lifestyle blog that covers the 4 things I love most: Travel, Cafes, Looks du Jour, & Content Creation.
How did it all come about?
I embarked on my first solo travel journey in 2018, and for the last 5 years, I’ve been hopping on flights whenever I get the chance. Last summer, I spent a few months studying French in the Côte d’Azur. During that time I discovered a new side of myself; one that was unlocked through solo travel, learning a language, & navigating new cultural norms. I was inspired by it all, and knew I wanted to intertwine my love for travel, with my passion for business and creating content.
and that lead to… Croissants and Cafes!
Why the French touch?
I’ve always been fascinated by French culture. It is so timeless and elegant, and I love portraying that vibe through the content I produce.
What can you expect from the blog?
At C&C, I hope to inspire your next adventure, whether that is a new travel destination, dressing up & discovering the best cafes, or giving you content tips to use on your own socials! I can’t wait to leave you with a plethora of my fav recommendations. A bientôt. ♡